Wednesday 21 September 2011

Garden Patch Kids

A little while ago we got a planter box (we have no garden) and planted some herbs and unknowns..

My how things have changed....

We've got more parsley than you can shake a stick at
Last weekend we got a new box with new herbs....

It looks a bit sad but hopefully it will soon be spring to life with bountiful offerings.

As winter draws to a close, and its last icy touches fade away, I wonder what my new vege love will be? This winter I have had a love affair with spinach and broccoli
Spinach because it is so versatile (you can put it in pizza/pasta/stir fry/soups/in sammies etc) and so good for you.

Broccoli is also great in everything, and really soaks up the flavours of the meal. I really like it with soy sauce and sesame seeds (thanks Jamie.)

Now that I have to cook much more often than in my flatting days I am becoming more aware of seasonal foods. I feel like I have just started to master winter foods, when summer is coming (this is the only time I will curse the coming of summer.) Being honest, I am better at making heavy meals than light summery dishes, so I feel these coming months are going to be a good challenge. Are there any foodie blogs out there with good summer meals??

1 comment:

  1. Oh one summer herb I can't wait for is BASIL mmm yum yum


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