There is the most amazing tumblr that pretty much explains my day job, Terp-Life tumblr.
I resonate with nearly every single one. It's fun to look at the amusing side of life too. I've copied and pasted some of my fav's below
When I wave at a hearing person who I thought was Deaf at my assignment
(awkward is my middle name)
I’m like
When I'm in a class where students are dissecting animals
(Or- when people are discussing bodily functions/eating with their mouth open/checking the snot on their tissue in a job and I'm pregnant-)
I’m like
When I am just about to leave for an all-day assignment and it cancels
(this hardly ever happens so when it does, it's gold!)
I’m like
When I'm in the hot seat trying to fight back a cough or a sneeze
(unfortunately due to hayfever this happens on nearly a daily basis!)
It’s like
When I'm trying to voice something, but my tongue gets twisted and I don't make sense
It’s like
When people ask me why I became an ASL/English Interpreter
I’m like
Last but not least, my favourite pet hate:
When people call me a translator instead of an Interpreter
I’m like
(they are VERY VERY different things people!-- ok well maybe in the scheme of jobs they are kinda similar.)
And that is pretty much my day job, explained in Gifs. Off to work now. Toodles
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