Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Au revoir, I'll be back

I haven't been posting much lately. Partly because I've been busy, partly because I often find it hard to articulate my thoughts in a blog worthy way, and partly because I don't just want to write a blog post 'for the sake of it.'

I know from my page views I'm getting a few hundred views a day (so humbling for this little blogger!), and the pressure can come on to write more because of this. But, to be cliche, I want to be 'true to myself,' and don't want to write things that I don't really care about, don't want to write when I don't feel committed to it. Hence the sporadic posts.

Anyway, another reason I won't be doing a blog post for a while, is that we're going off on our 6 week trip to EUROPE tomorrow! Wohoo!
For us little Kiwi kids, Europe is so far away, so foreign and so exciting.

So we've packed our bags, printed our boarding passes, and tomorrow we're off :)

Photo of Matt and I by Lavara Photography (Auckland)

I'll see you all on the other side 

Monday, 6 August 2012

How to wrap a present

Recently I had to wrap about 30 different presents. I had to think of a way to make them look good that wasn't too complicated

There is a really simple way. Just wrap with brown paper. Find some nice paper and put a thinner strip around. And tie with string

Brown paper packages, tied up with string. These are a few of my favourite things.

Happy wrapping!

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