Tuesday, 31 December 2013


1. What did you do in 2013 that you'd never done before?
Quit university before finishing a program.
Saw my little brother get married.
Ran in a race.
Co-organised and co-ran a conference.
Got my research published.
Got pregnant. 3 times!

2. Did you keep your new year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I wanted to finish my honors degree, but for several reasons that didn't happen and I'm at peace with it. We wanted to save enough of a deposit for a house, and we did but only for a small house, then the lending rules changed (higher % of a deposit needed). I don't feel too disappointed about these 'failures' though. Thats life, these things happen.

I ran a PB in a 7k race- so I did achieve one of my goals :)

My goals for next year- get fit again. Be a calm, well slept mother (??!!)

3. What countries did you visit?
I just stayed here in good old NZ this year! The first year we haven't gone overseas in a while.

4. What dates from 2012 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
Jan 12th. The day my little brother got married and my family was all together.

5. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Running 7km in 38 minutes. For the 'girl who never runs' I felt pretty stoked about that one.

The dream running team.

6. What was your biggest failure?
Being too disconnected from people and from God.

7. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Well, miscarriages. And a few minor trips to hospital with this pregnancy.


8. What was the best thing you bought?
A new car with 4 doors, wohoo!

9. Where did most of your money go?
Rent, food, maternity clothes, board games.

10. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Being pregnant (are you seeing a theme here...?).

11. What song will always remind you of 2012?
The hurt and the healer by Mercy Me.

12. Compared to this time last year, are you:
a) Happier or sadder? Happier
b) Thinner or fatter? Much, much heavier (but I have an excuse.)
c) Richer or poorer? About the same.
13. What do you wish you'd done more of?

Being present in the moment. Not day dreaming or worrying.

14. What do you wish you'd done less of?
Moving house (two times in 6 months is more than enough.)

15. What was your favourite TV programme?
Sherlock! (BBC version.) We also got into Jonathan Creek (English murder dramas are the best.)

16. What was the best book you read?
I've been going through the old John Grisholm's- he's a pretty good author!

17. What was your greatest musical discovery?
Mercy me, Haerts.

18. What did you want and get?

19. What did you want and not get?
Seeing my family more often (being spread out over NZ doesn't help.)

20. What kept you sane?
God, Matt, music on pandora.

21. What political issue stirred you the most?
Again, child poverty in NZ. I've struggled with some of our governments initiatives (or glaring lack of.) And I've struggled with my on and off apathy towards others in this country, if I can be completely honest.

22. Who did you miss?
My parents and my grandparents.

23. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2012
A picture can sum this one up:

That was 2013 for me. A year of extreme highs and lows, compared to my relatively sheltered life so far. I keep an online diary where I just write a summary of each day (have been doing it for about 3 years) and it's been interesting going back to read the entries from this year .
I could sum the entries from each month up this way

January- yay new years and holidays and my brother getting married
February- yay running and being fit
March- yay back to work, starting uni, moving house and am I pregnant?
April- I think I'm pregnant... oh nope, I lost it.
May- I am sad and busy organising a conference and studying
June- yay I am pregnant again. Oh nope, I lost it. I am very sad and also busy organising a conference.
July- Yay for conference and distracting things. Oh man, think I am pregnant again I am very scared.
August- definitely pregnant and sick sick sick every day.
September- yay we made 12 weeks, can't believe it! So happy telling everyone. Oh also, uni is not working for me right now, I quit.
October- we're moving house again and yay I got to see my parents. Also yay I stopped vomiting every day.
November- IT'S A GIRL! Also crazy busy at work
December- End of year shindigs and sun

When you simplify 365 days like that it looks like I packed a lot in this year. It didn't feel like it at the time though, some months really dragged.

I'm excited for 2014 and the changes, hope and possibilities it brings.

Happy New Year to you and yours xx

Thursday, 26 December 2013

Pregnancy weeks 19-28 + bump pics

It feels like a loooong time ago since I wrote my last pregnancy update. I feel much more pregnant now then I did then. A big belly, feeling kicks, knowing baby's gender and setting up baby's room has helped with that!

I haven't been as diligent with taking pictures, but I still have a few...

20 Weeks

22 Weeks

25 Weeks

26 Weeks
28 weeks- Merry Christmas!

Here's one from another angle at 25 weeks

Goodbye to my feet and my belly button ring

Belly: My belly has made itself quite apparent now- there is no hiding it! My innie is now an outie and my feet are a distant memory. It's quite a good size in that I look pregnant but it's not big enough to make me waddle yet! And, it's a great place to rest my hands, or cups of tea.

Baby's size: Baby is now the size of a butternut pumpkin. Over 1kg in weight and over 35cm long. Baby has a log of weight to put on, but not too much length.

Weight gain: I've gained 13kg. Which seems a lot to me but the midwife said not to worry! I can't fit my wedding bands any more, but I still fit most of my clothes (apart from around the belly of course!).

Movement: Baby has been kicking away since about 18-19 weeks. It started feeling a big like gas bubbles or popping, and has become more and more defined. She has busy times and quiet times. Sometimes she is busy for a few days then quiet for a few, and I have to let my worried mind not read into that! Lately she has been hiccuping a lot. Matt and some family members have been able to see and feel her move which has been special. I love the kicks, it makes me feel much more connected to her.

Scans: We had the big 20 week scan...and then had our gender reveal party! Yep, baby is a girl! We loved the 20 week scan, as she looked so much more like a baby. She was wriggling around a lot, and it's amazing how much they can move that we don't feel. All is healthy and well.

At 26 weeks I had another quick scan, and got to confirm that she is definitely a girl! Wohooo!

Midwife appointments: Still at 4 weekly, and still hearing her strong heartbeat. Have had a few blood tests lately (regular pregnancy ones) so will wait for the result of those.

Bleeding: I had a tiny bit of bleeding at 26 weeks (hence the extra scan), but baby is well, and there is no apparent cause for it, so I just need to chill and relax.

Symptoms: Morning sickness stopped being a daily feature of my life at about 18 weeks. I still get nauseous or gag at things pretty easily, but I feel so much more human now! I've had some lower back pain, but a visit to the osteso, as well as aqua jogging and yoga has helped that for now. My main, daily pregnancy reminder is that I feel SO HOT all the time. My mini-heater is keeping me a bit too warm during this summer....I don't like to think what the next few months will bring. 
Sleep is getting much harder, but it's not a complete write off yet. I've been getting braxton hicks for a few weeks now, but they aren't painful so it's no worry.

Cravings: Milk! I could drink a litre a day, but I try to restrain myself. Baby must be growing her bones good and strong.

Baby's room: Baby's room is coming along well. We have the cot, a bassinet, change table, some decorations, a bouncer, a pram, some clothes etc. Just needs some finishing touches in these coming months. I made some bunting for the room over christmas.

I'm starting to get excited now about meeting baby, it's feeling more and more real every day. I'm so looking forward to these last 12 weeks and meeting our daughter. Bring on March!

Saturday, 14 December 2013

Number one

Baby number one was due this week.

Right as I advance into trimester 3 with baby three.

You will always be in my heart.

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