Saturday, 23 August 2014

Starting Solids... the first step towards being NG tube free

Over the past month or so Baby A* has started solids!

Skin issues from NG tube tape

Over the past month or so as Baby A has begun solids, we have been having issues with her NG tube tape, because as it has been getting wet with food, it has needed to be changed more often. This led to her skin being 'ripped' every day, and causing lots of welts and open wounds.

Monday, 4 August 2014


Today in SPACE (a baby program) the moderator asked us to tell the class what kind of movement our babies could do. But before we spoke she told us we weren't allowed to say what they weren't doing yet (he can roll onto his side but not his tummy, for example.)

She said we need to focus and celebrate what our babies CAN do not what they can't.

This felt like a breath of fresh air.
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