Saturday, 23 August 2014

Starting Solids... the first step towards being NG tube free

Over the past month or so Baby A* has started solids!

This is a normal exciting transition for any parent, but it is even more nerve wracking and exciting for parents of a tube fed baby.

Solids are what we have been waiting for. They are our 'solution' to Baby A's feeding issues. So there is a lot hanging on this.

The plan for A is, to introduce solids and (hope like heck, please God let this work) in time she will eat more and more solid food (which are easier to swallow, apparently). Over time the solids will increase and we will be able to reduce her milk intake. Eventually she will be able to use a sippy cup for milk/fluids and get most of her calories from food. By the age of around one year (corrected) we will look at weaning her from the tube.

So, there is a lot of pressure for solids to work. If she can't take to food.... well it's not even worth thinking about it at this point.

So, we have been introducing fruit and vegetable puree once or twice a day, along with the occasional 'whole food' (like a potato wedge, or slice of avocado) to chew on.

A eats a little, but the amount seems to be slowly increasing. She LOVES putting the spoon with food on in her mouth and sucking it off. Her SLT and nurse are impressed by this.

So, now we are just giving her a little more food each day, keeping it really enjoyable, and modeling how to eat food to her.  

It's a slow and daunting process for us. We're just taking it one day at a time. All the signs so far seem to be positive that she will take to food, so we're holding onto that, and trusting in God for this.

*We have removed Baby A's actual name from this blog, and will refer to her as Baby A, or A from now on

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