Monday, 26 June 2017

Dear Hunter, at 10 months

Dear Hunter

From the very beginning you have been so different to your sister, and you have shown us that you are well and truly your own person.

In the early days I wrote a post about how you were an easy baby, and the transition to two kids had been easier than I expected. I now realise that this is because you couldn't move yet!

Since about 6 months you have been on the go and you are full on in your exploration. You are constantly moving. You have no sense of danger and although our lounge/dining is baby proofed, you wear many bruises on your head at all times. You are clingy and and like to check that I am near- you climb on me and cry and need to be held, but then you want to get down, and then back up again, and then down and on it goes.

We were at the Plunket office the other day and the Plunket nurse said to me, as you tried to destroy everything in your reach, 'I'm tired just looking at you!'

You wake between 1-6 times a night (it's luck of the draw!) but usually 2 or 3, needing a full breastfeed and a cuddle. During the day you need to be fed all your meals (can't forget morning tea!) and you are constantly scavenging for food. I often find you with odd things in your mouth and have seen interesting things come out *ahem* the other end.

I treasure our sleepy cuddles as I feed you before bed. It's the only time you are still (and even then you are sometimes not.) You look up at me with a half smile and all the weariness of the day, of mothering a full on boy like you, it all fades. It wasn't so long ago you were my snuggly newborn and these feeds remind me of that.

You smile when you see me, and when I return from work you leap into my arms. You climb on your sister to give her grabby-hugs and giggle and smile at her with your adoring eyes. In the middle of the night you reach out for your Dad and his warm cuddles too as he rocks you back to sleep.

It was only a year ago I was heavily pregnant with you, with no idea what the future might bring. And now here you are, fully present and part of our family.

You are tiring and trouble and mischief.

You are life and loud and joy.

You are my lovely boy.

Mummy xx

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