Thursday, 17 October 2013

Pregnancy update at week 18 + belly pics

I started taking belly pics at week 8, so thought I'd share my photos from week 8-17. I'll do the same for 18-28 and 28-...whatever I get to...

Here I am weeks 8-17

Belly: Now I'm in my 19th week I'm noticing a belly all the time and a lot of other people have started noticing it. I'm loving seeing it grow so far, but we'll see what I think about it in a few months!

Baby's size: Apparently baby is now the size of a kumara (sweet potato)...mmm sounds delicious.

Weight gain: I've gained 3-4kg from the start, so am on track with that.

Movement: I've started feeling popping, but nothing definite yet. BUT, I have seen my belly move a few times, and it can only be baby, so that's exciting! (I'm feeling little pops as I type this, so hoping this will become more defined over the next few days.)

Scans: We're just waiting for the 20 week scan in 1 1/2 weeks- can't wait! We're not going to find out the sex, but get the sonographer to write it on a piece of paper. We'll give the paper to a baker and get a gender reveal cake! Wohoo. So the Saturday after the scan we're having an afternoon tea and we will find out the sex of our baby with our family and friends :)

Boy or girl?: I have a feeling baby is a boy, but who knows! Matt dreamed it was a girl and only one of us can be right.

Midwife appointments: Currently 4 weekly, and all is well. I love hearing baby's heartbeat, and Matt came today and got to hear it which was special.

Bleeding: stopped at 14 weeks wohooooo!! 

Symptoms: All day nausea and sickness stopped at about week 12, but I have still been vomiting nearly every morning since then. But I generally feel fine the rest of the day so I can handle it. I'm hoping it's starting to taper off though, it's not the nicest thing. I'm super tired all of the time, and very hungry (but that's normal for me.) 

Baby's room: We moved house last week, and now I can start collecting all the baby stuff we've been offered/are borrowing from amazing friends. My parents bought us a lovely change table and we'll start putting things together and decorating over the next few months.

All in all everything is going well. I still can't believe I'm pregnant sometimes. Other times I have my 'holy crap we're bringing a living being into the world, we have to look after it for 18 years' moments. It's a BIG commitment, but I'm excited!!

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